I’m going to throw out a huge disclaimer since these levels are covered on insane difficulty. Generally marks need to be fulfilled before dawn/dusk on specific days. I do not recommend time keeping, if a run isn’t going to work out, the game has plenty of ways to let you know. For example, if I say one mark is collecting x food or having x ants at a specific event, that usually needs to be fulfilled for the run to be worth continuing.

Marks are specific tasks in time based play that must be fulfilled for further play to be justified.Markers are pheromone markers, and will be addressed as M1, M2, etc.If they require specific tactics, I will address them directly (Tiger Beetles, Adult Coach Horse, etc.) Insects used for food are Critters aggressive insects, when referred to generally, are Ads.The 7 starting workers are the crown workers.These are usually the size nurseries I prefer.

Nurseries and other room types are usually built in Hexes (not the curse) where a 3×3 Hex is a hexagonal room with side lengths of 3, or 19 total tiles.New colony expansions, usually with new creatures inside, are Rooms.Throughout this guide I may refer to some mechanics/entities as the following: