This is the difference between your total deposits and total spending at the end of each month.

The amount you have listed as What's Left is an approximation of your monthly net inflows and outflows. The Budget Summary section at the top of your report provides a summary of your Money Out subtracted from your Money In, resulting in What’s Left. Once you’re satisfied with the Monthly Goals you’ve created, click Save to view your Budget Watch as part of your Spending Report to see how your goals compare to your actual spending for the month. Create a goal for each category or address only a few key categories – the choice is yours. Budget Watch will total your changes automatically. Enter your goals by hand – from the drop-down menu, select Custom numbers and proceed to the Budget Entry screen where you will be able to click a category to expand and enter amounts for individual sub-categories.If you identify categories where you could spend less, or need to spend more, you can always edit the amount you set aside for individual categories. Take a shortcut – from the drop-down menu, select either Average monthly spending or Last month’s spending and click Continue to automatically copy the selected amounts in the Monthly Goals column in the Budget Entry screen.Your Budget Watch offers two different ways to create your Monthly Goals: Using your historical spending patterns as a guide, you can set Monthly Goals.